ISDS 2001 : ISDS Access Key Terms For Test 2

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Microsoft access 2010 key terms and concepts to learn for test 2: microsoft access 2010 is relational database software used to store data and convert it into relationships. If you have the ability to control data and turn it into useful information, you possess a marketable skill. Learning microsoft access 2010 skills in myitlab for test 3: Practice myitlab training exercises 4-5 times each to learn access skills for test 3. There is a list of myitlab handson training skills posted on moodle, exploring access 2010 comprehensive skills covered. The access 2010 pretest is for credit and to practice the mechanics of taking a test. It consists of a very small subset of all the skills in the pool of training skill questions for the real exam. Taking the pretest alone is not adequate preparation for test 3. Microsoft access key terms and concepts for test 2: