HIST 1007 : HIST Notes Through Exam 2

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15 Mar 2019

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Changing british policy: round one, proclamation act of 1763, sugar at 1764, currency act 1764, stamp act 1765, round two, tea act 1773, coercive acts 1774 (intorelable acts) Stamp act was what really started pissing people off, the acts garner more attention. Tea act was what collectively pissed everyone off: was a tax made by east india company and sold exclusively by them only. People still mad, believed they were consenting to parliament: felt unrepresented, however, only 6%, landowners and rich people, britain could vote. Patriots dress as indians and destroy the tea: boston tea party, pissed off in east india company. Intolerable acts happen only to boston because of btp. Quartering act- british soldiers housed in colonial homes. Dominion theory of british empire: colonies subject only king, not to parliament-each colony was a separate realm. Wanted to be recognized by king and parliament. Parliament and grand council would solve colonial problems.