HIST 1001 Midterm: History 2

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29 Jun 2015

Document Summary

Ionia, 6-5th century bce: search for explanations based on the national world, anaximander. Drank it then did a lecture for his students, died while teaching them (that"s so metal: context: athens" loss in peloponnesian war. He was blamed for corrupting the youth and lowering morale. Plato (430-347 bce: systematized socratic thought, established the academy (ca. 385 bce: the republic, setting up ideal state. Ruled by philosopher king and queens: not democracy. Knowledge and virtue go hand in hand. They"d be angry and he"d be outcasted. Philosopher wouldn"t be able to see the shadows like he used to as he knows too much now: theory of forms/ideas, other world where the real are, our world is an imperfect, corrupted one. Aristotle (389-322 bce: student of plato, broke w/ the theory of forms/ideas, emphasis on empirical findings, reason, massive impact on western thought, categories of rule, politics.