ECON 2035 : Review Questions Exam 2 Spr 2012

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15 Mar 2019

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However, we know there are different types of bonds short-term bonds and long-term bonds and government bonds and corporate bonds. Explain your answer: the long term government bond, according to the risk structure the l-t coporate. Bond have the less risk so it rether stable than all other types of bond: we said that the equity premium was lower from the mid-1980s to mid-2007 during the great moderation than in the 1960s-mid-1980s. Why: our price of stock is relate to the rate of return of the stock so if the expectation of the stock increase, suppose the stock price increase too. Import: rise: when a country"s currency appreciates, its goods abroad become more expensive and foreign goods in that country become cheaper. In the long-run, a rise in a country"s price level relative. To the foreign price level will lead to a depreciation in. Likewise a rise in the rate of inflation in.