ECON 2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Demand Curve, Developed Country, Outsourcing

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26 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Producers goal maximize utility o. Proposito da economia = ajudar a encontrar um meio mais viavel de producao(com recursos limitados) para satisfazer cliente e empresa; o. Scarcity lack of enough resources to satisfy all desired uses: what to produce with limited resources, how to produce the goods/services (use of technology) o. For whom goods/services are produced (high/low process targeted) o. ) interaction between buyers/sellers choosing what/to whom producers will produce what is demanded by the consumers willing and able to pay for it. o. Produce what consumers want, keeping prod. costs low, for those. Government can try to find the best decisions to fulfill everyone"s needs; o. A mixure of both government acts as a maintainer of. Balance; charge with most efficient prices so the economy runs well. Gives benefits to poor that cant buy it. (ps. Pode haver market/government failure. ) outputs. ) o o o.