COMD 4590 : EXAM 1-Jumonville

13 views37 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Intervention aimed at minimizing and alleviating the communication difficulties associated with hl: many different delays associated (academic, social) Aural habilitation: for those who have never had hearing/communication. Aural rehabilitation: for those who have hl (once had hearing, usually lost in adulthood) Components of a typical ar program (audiologic rehab) Provision of appropriation listening devices: best done by audiologist. Amplification of devices/cochlear implants: best done by audiologist. Auditory training: learning where sounds are, usually when patient gets implant and needs to localize, ever deaf child needs auditory training, can be done by either slp or aud, teach child what is meaningful sound. Communication strategies training: strategies on background noise, where to seat yourself etc. Informational/educational counseling: parents usually have many questions. Frequent communication partner training: usually their parents, siblings, spouses, even child care centers. Speech language therapy: can"t produce sounds if you don"t know how to.