COMD 4153 : COMD 4153 Exam 1 PPT 9 Vowel 5

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15 Mar 2019
1. Why is blood pressure higher in arteries than in veins?a. Resistance in arterioles and
capillaries dissipates much of the pressure in arteries by the time the blood enters the
2. Females need more dietary iron than males because____.a. Of menstruation
3. Which enzyme converts fibrinogen to fibrin in clotting?a. Thrombin
4. True/False: All respiratory systems must be large because diffusion is slow.a. true
5. Vasocongestion in sex:a. Occurs in the penis b. Occurs in the Clitorisc. Causes Vaginal
6. A Closed circulatory system possesses all of the following except:a. Hemolymph
7. Graph of Oxygen Concentration in Hemoglobin. The graph shifts to the right with
increased CO2 because____.a. Hemoglobin gives up more O2 at a lower pH and pH
decreases because CO2 produced by cell respiration forms carbonic acid and more O2 is
released to support the increased cell respiration
8. Oxygen rich blood enters the _____ and the _______ delivers blood to the rest of the
body.a. Left atrium, left ventricle
9. Explain the relationship between Blood pressure and Osmotic Pressure.a. Where blood
pressure is greater than osmotic pressure there is a net loss in the capillaries. So when
fluid leaves the arterioles the blood pressure is greater than the osmotic pressure
10. List the order in which air flows through the respirtatory system:a. Sinuses (nose),
trachea, bronchiole, and alveoli
11. The diaphragm is located____.a. Under the lungs
12. Carbon dioxide is present in the blood_____.a. Mostly in the form of bicarbonate ions.
13. Myotonia is to nipple erection and tension of the arms and legs as _____.a.
Vasodilation is to penis
14. The layer of the uterus that is shed during menstruation is____.a. endometrium
15. Mucous layer around the trachea is _____.a. cilia
16. What will happen is there is an increase in ADH levels?Released when the body is
dehydrated, causes kidneys to conserve water by concentrating urine and concentrating
urine volume. In high volumes it raises blood pressure by vasoconstriction. 
17. Cells found in both humoral and cell-mediated.a. Helper T cells
18. Which of the following is not found in semen. ( mucus, fructose, coagulating
enzymes, ascorbic acid, and prostaglandins are found in semen)a. High pH is not found
19. The Bowman’s capsule filtrates into _____.a. Proximal tubule
20. Which of the following has a closed circulatory system?a. Worm
21. How is carbon dioxide not transported through the blood? a. ( carbon dioxide is
transported by hemoglobin, into plasma and erythrocytes)
22. What is allopatric speciation? a. The formation of a new species in populations that
are geographically isolated from one another.
23. What are non-specific white-blood cells that kill cancer and virus infections?a. T-cells
24. What is an acquired immune response that targets pathogens?a. 
25. Humoral immune response involves______.a. B cells
26. Cell mediated immunity involves____.a. Cytotoxic T cells
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27. What is important about the variable region of an antibody?a. It dictates what it will
connect to
28. What part of an antigen is recognized by an antibody? Receptors
29. Antibodies are good or bad?a. good
30. What is special about antigen specific Cytotoxic t-cells? Recognize specific antigens
and begin Immunity responses (memory cytotoxic T cells and Active ones)
31. What is clonal selection? When B-Cells give rise to Plasma cells and Memory B-Cells
and Cytotoxic T cells give rise to Memory and Active cytotoxic T-Cells. 
32. Cells that are involved in cell mediated and humoral immunity and respond to class II
MHC complexes on dentritic cells are______. Helper T-Cells
33. How do freshwater fish osmoregulate? Constantly gain water
34. Why can a kangaroo rat live in the desert? Osmoregulator
35. What is the main excretory product of a fish? Ammonia
36. The ascending loop of henly _______. Removes salt and gains Urea
37. A picture of a nephron with parts labeled and an arrow pointing to a bulb sac on the
top this is ____. Bowman’s Capsule (or Glomerulus if its pointing to inside of the sack)
38. The species produced by parthogenesis are _____. Rotifers and Phids and some
Vertebrates (fish, amphibians, lizards)
39. The order in which sperm passes through ____. Testis Epididymis Vas Deferens
Ejaculatory duct Urethra 
40. What hormone stimulates the production of testosterone? ____ LH
41. What hormones stimulate follicular growth? LH and FSH
42. What statement about gametogenesis is wrong?a. Oogenesis results in 1 ovum and
spermatogenesis results in millions of spermb. Primary spermocyte is haploid
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WRONGc. Spermatogenesis occurs for males lifetime and
oogenesis stops at menopause
43. Which is the order in which these occurred ( earth, atmosphere oxygen, prokaryotes,
eukaryotes, and multicellular eukaryotes)a. Anaerobic Prokaryote -> Accumulation of
Oxygen -> Aerobic Prokaryote -> Mitochondria
44. Prokaryotes lack a _____.a. Nucleus and organelles(mitochondria)
45. An organism that uses light as an energy source and uses organic compounds for
food is___.a. Photoheterotroph
46. Kingdom protista _______.
47. What has radial symmetry and two tissue layer? Cnidarians
48. What is a cordate subphylum that includes all invertebrates?a. 
49. Ammonification is ______.a. Taking nitrogen in the air and turning it into ammonia
50. The body’s temperature regulating system is an example of _____.a. Negative
feedback system
51. Carbon dioxide can be found in ____.a. Hemoglobin
52. Blood enters through the right ventricle and exits through the left atrium. FalseFALSE
Veins > right atrium > right ventricle > Pulmonary artery > Pulmonary Vein > Left Atrium
> Left Ventricle > Aorta 
53. Antigens have a ____.a. Variable region
54. What is included in blood clotting?a. Platelets and fibrinogen
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Document Summary

Biology final questions-everything highlighted was on my test. Why is blood pressure higher in arteries than in veins? a. Resistance in arterioles and capillaries dissipates much of the pressure in arteries by the time the blood enters the veins. Females need more dietary iron than males because____. a. Of menstruation: which enzyme converts fibrinogen to fibrin in clotting? a. thrombin, true/false: all respiratory systems must be large because diffusion is slow. a. true, vasocongestion in sex: a. A closed circulatory system possesses all of the following except: a. hemolymph: graph of oxygen concentration in hemoglobin. Explain the relationship between blood pressure and osmotic pressure. a. Where blood pressure is greater than osmotic pressure there is a net loss in the capillaries. So when fluid leaves the arterioles the blood pressure is greater than the osmotic pressure: list the order in which air flows through the respirtatory system: a. sinuses (nose), trachea, bronchiole, and alveoli, the diaphragm is located____. a.