CMST 2060 : Midterm Review

8 views6 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

When we present together to listen to a speech that captures our attention, we commit ourselves completely to the experience. The goal of rhetorical public speaking is the transformation of a collection of disparate individual hearers into a common and committed audience through a power of the spoken word. Every metaphor, every gesture, and every argument must be directed toward this act of turning the many into the one, at least for a moment. These messages tend to foster mobility and decentralization and at the same time. Online communication meant for a large audience. It"s faster and more engaging. create a sense of constant feeling of being in touch with other people. Writing tends to be kind of separate or possibility of anonymity if the message not only from context but from authorship. Lacks durability; as quickly as messages are produced, they are destroyed or replaced. special specialist action in which there is little opportunity or call for reaction.