CMST 2010 : CMST 2010 TEST 4

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Culture: the totality of material and non-material traits, together with their associated. Behavior patterns, plus the language uses which a society possesses: or the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and. Learn: material culture, concerns the artifacts that people have made and that are reflective. Of some aspect of their culture: popular culture, generally it can be sued in reference to mainstream aspects. Of culture that are partaken by a mass audience: high culture, those aspects of culture that are considered elite or. And are termed high culture or the fine arts: non-material culture, two primary examples of the non-material side of culture are. Language and belief systems: relativism or conceptual relativism, there is no one correct belief system or way of thinking, objectivism or essentialism, posit a reality that is independent of the way in which people. Conceptualize: postmodernism, idea that belief systems are plural; the sensibility that arises.