BIOL 4253 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Grasshopper Sparrow, Ecological Niche, Interspecific Competition

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1 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Interspecific competition: r,k can be found growing spp alone. Agrowth species competition coefficient can then be found when growing them together- pushes k down, which is measure of competition coefficient. Bursaria found lower in test tube: desert plants- many of them coexist, doesn"t fit competitive exclusion principle. Plants, even though they same water as limiting resource, they acquire it in different ways. There are surface roots to catch immediate rainwater, but some of the water filters into the soil: niche. Fundamental niche- unlimited number of dimensions to measure. Usda introduced opius wasps- don"t need too know the names of them. Wasps or flies that have parasitic larval stage and free living adult stage: parasite- spends most of life cycle within a small portion of another organism, true predators- consume majority of prey, and multiple over life. ex: Insect parasitoids: housefly parasidoid- wasp will inject eggs into fly pupae, and a wasp will emerge instead of a fly.