BIOL 4253- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Study tips for general ecology - exam ii. Hints and comments about the exam: there were two reading for this unit of the course. Desbiez, a. l. j. , s. a. santos, a. keuroghlian and r. e. bodmer. Fall 2017 white-lipped peccaries (tayassu pecari), collared peccaries (pecari tajacu), and feral pigs (sus scrofa). Nonlethal effects in the ecology of predator-prey interactions. It is a certainty that a couple of questions on your exam will come from these readings. Don"t sweat the minor details: know your terms: life history, life-history trait, life-history strategy, r-k selection, community, pair- wise interactions, predation, herbivory, parasitism, competition, mutualism, commensalism, symmetric competition, asymmetric competition, gause"s principle (aka, competitive exclusion principle), lotka- *note: terms presented prior to the first exam but used since then are fair game on this test. These include terms like exponential growth, intraspecific and interspecific competition, intrinsic rate of increase, carrying capacity, logistic growth, equilibrium, stability, natural selection, etc: understand the lotka-volterra competition model.