8 views30 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Control of respiration: combination of positive and negative feedback systems. A friend of yours goes on a diet and loses 15 lbs. in 2 months. Using your knowledge of cellular energies, how did they get ride of the majority of the weight: eliminated through breathing. Two stage process: capture light energy in chemical energy (light reactions, use the chemical energy to convert co2 into glucose (dark reactions; calvin cycle) Don"t cancel waters because they"re two different waters: what is the fate of the oxygen in water, becomes part of oxygen. Which of the following best describes the light reactions: capture light energy in to chemical energy, captures light energy then converts it to chemical energy. What are the inputs to the calvin cycle: co2, atp, and nadph + h+ What are the outputs to the calvin cycle: g3p, adp, and nadp+ The calvin cycle (dark reactions) occur in the: stroma, light reactions occur in or on thylakoid.