[BIOL 1201] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 19 pages long Study Guide!

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Increases as we go left to right on periodic table. Increases bottom from top (top is the highest) Difference is greater than 0. 5 but less than 1. 7. Bonds which are not involved in making a compound a. i. Non-polar molecules group together to get away from water. Weak attractions between atoms on different molecules or different parts of a large molecule. Occur between molecules that have polar covalent to ionic bonds. Dotted lines : weaker interactions (hydrogen bonds) a. ii. The smallest unit of a compound that retains all of the properties of that compound a: weight a. i. Sum of atomic masses for all of the atoms in the molecules. Cx * atomic mass + hx * atomic mass etc. Subscript of element x atomic mass + subscript of element x atomic mass etc. Gram molecular weight a. ii. a. i. 1. a. i. 2. a. i. 1. a. i. 2. a. i. 3. Mass of a substance equal to its molecular weight in grams.