ART 1001 : Exam 2 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Classical antiquity-the culture and civilization of ancient greece and rome. Renaissance started in 1400, proto-renaissance describes art of the two previous centuries that anticipates the coming of the renaissance. Classical antiquity-600 bc-400 ad, middle ages-400-1400 (medieval), the. The italo-byzantine style- gold, tooled background: typical for byzantine art. Giotto di bondone-rise of naturalism madonna enthroned, arena chapel. Iconoclastic controversy - discussion on whether or not icons should be. International style"-combines gothic themes and byzantine style, took root in. 1338-1339; ambrogio lorenzetti peaceful city and effects of a good government. Basically flat space, but sense of three-dimensional illusionism. Fame, honor, the here and now, mercenaries (condotte) Authors of classical antiquity: plato, socrates, aristotle, ovid. Massacio: master of florentine fresco painting (1427, early renaissance) tribute. Money, expulsion of adam and eve from eden, holy trinity. Gothic tracery- splendor costumes influenced by french art. 1423, adoration of the magi, tempera on wood, international influence(italy)