ANTH 1003 : Anthro Final Vocab

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The way genes are expressed in an organism"s physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors. (200) The practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own borders over an extended period of time to secure access to raw materials, cheap labor, and markets. (203) A flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups. (197) The inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism"s physical form. (200) Individual thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create unequal access to power, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups. (197) The belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races. (214) Favoring certain long-term inhabitants over new immigrants. (217) Sometimes called the "one drop of blood rule"; the assignment of children of racially "mixed" unions to the subordinate group. (216)