ANTH 1001 : Final Study Guide(not Finished)

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Destroyed by 3 forces: physical, chemical, & biological. 3 bias: where it occurs, which species, & discovery of sites. Al 288 aka lucy- member of the species australopithecus afarensis. Taung child- first australopithecine found in 1924 & is australopithecus africanus. Knm-er 1470- earliest homo, cranial capacity is 775 cubic cm. Fossils that are found have: longer snout, eyes not positioned in front of skull, no post orbital bar, smaller brain, claws not nails, and non-prehensile hands and feet: eocene: 55-33 mya. Eyes faced forward, post orbital bar, short snout, prehensile hands and feet, nails, and large cranial capacity(compared to paleocene) Adapids= ancestral link to lemurs and lorises ; omomyids= ancestral link to tarsiers and anthropoids. Did not have tooth comb: oligocene: 33-23 mya. Dental formula: 2, 1, 2, 3/2, 1, 2, 3. Location of fossils: in early mio= africa; late mio=africa, europe, & asia.