ANTH 1001 : ANTH Final

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

12/5/2014 10:35:00 pm: anatomical modernity = easy, behavioral modernity = , first of all, what does it mean to be behaviorally modern, language, symbolism, identity, complex tools, identifying the capacity for modernity. Conclusions: antecedents of behavioral complexity appear first in africa, little evidence for personal adornment, symbolism, or art for. Neanderthals: like anatomy, africa is the origin for behavioral modernity. The peopling of the world: where are we, africa has been ours for the last 200ky, neanderthals were out of the picture by 30kya. Australian species don"t cross into asia: megafauna: 100kg (40kg in australia, monotremes mammals that lay eggs, birds emu, and larger, marsupials hippo sized, the extinction of australia"s megafauna in the last 40ky, modern humans . Clovis archaeological material: spread from alaska to chile, manis, washington mastadon kill, 13,800 years old, bone projectile point embedded in mastadon rib. Bioarchaeology the scientific study of human remains from the past.