ANSC 1011 : Gastrointestinal Tract

12 views6 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Gastrointestinal tract & nutrition of non-ruminants & ruminants. Classification of digestive systems: anatomically, non-ruminants (simple stomach, ruminants (complex stomach -4 compartments, diet, carnivores (flesh-eating, cats or birds of prey, omnivores (animal & plants, humans, pigs, chickens, herbivores (plant-based feeds, horses, cows, rabbits, cellulase produced by bacteria. Methods of digestion: physical or mechanical, chewing (mastication, muscular action (peristalsis, chemical action, hydrochloric acid located in stomach, bile, enzymes, catalysts (speed up the reaction) Chew their cud also termed rumination: 40,000 to 50,000 times/day (typical dairy cow) Prehension: horse, cow (dental plate on top, no top teeth), goat forages in field, poultry. **human stomach is lined with mucus to prevent ulcers. Small intestine (3 parts: site of further digestion & absorption, duodenum (duodenal loop, bile and pancreatic enzymes are secreted and is a major site of chemical breakdown of food. Jejunum: longest part where some digestion occurs but the main function is absorption of nutrients.