MGMT 4640 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intercultural Competence

121 views1 pages
26 Aug 2018

Document Summary

In the article understanding workplace diversity: where have we been and where are. We going by carol p. harvey, i learned quite a few important reasons why organizations should value diversity. The civil rights act of 1964 marked the end of employment discrimination on the basis of skin color, race, sex, national origin, or religion. Although at first, companies abided by these new rules in order to avoid lawsuits, later, they would find out that it would greatly benefit many aspects of any company. According to this article, there is a competitive edge in having a diverse organization since it reduces the turnover costs, attracts the best talent from the diverse groups, and creates a marketing advantage in global business. Furthermore, having a diverse workforce also improves creative thinking by having input from diverse prospective, improves the quality of business decisions, and increases the systems flexibility by developing new policies and procedures and ways of leading.