KINE 409 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hydrostatic Weighing, Adolphe Quetelet, Lean Body Mass

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8 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Quetelet"s index: another name for bmi test, named after belgian mathematician adolphe quetelet who created it in 1869. Plays an important role in establishing standards of overweightness and obesity: overweightness = bmi greater than 25, obesity = bmi greater than 30. Prevalence of overweight and obesity is considerably higher in older people than younger people: cultural factors. Bmi does not reflect a person"s true body composition. Moderate correlation to hydrostatic weighing and skinfold calipers. 64 - . 69 to skinfold calipers builders or older people. See of 5-6% for predicting body fat percentage. Prone to error with exceptionally lean people like power athletes or body. Bmi"s formula is accurate, but its limitation is that it cannot estimate body fat. Bmi has a higher somewhat higher association with body fat than the old height-weight tables. May be acceptable for predicting percent fat in a typical group of people and for obesity. 12% of male athletes were deemed obese.