KINE 409 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Buttocks, Myelin, Body Fat Percentage

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8 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Fat is an economical way to store energy. Essential fat: necessary to sustain life, stored in. Muscles: males need 2-5 % bf, females need 8-12 % bf. Between skin and muscle: between muscles, around various organs, subcutaneous fat is half of body fat, visceral fat is half of body fat for a young adult, older people typically have more visceral fat. Applies pinch pressure: standard error of estimate ( see) Acsm = 3. 5 : high reliability. Procedures: aahperd method calculates % bf from the sum of only 2 skinfolds. Subscapular or calf for younger people below 19 years of age. Jackson/pollack (j-p) method uses equations or tables to determine body fat percentage from 3 sites. 2 cm to ride of belly button: triceps. Halfway between acromion and olecranon processes: chest. Half the distance between anterior axillary line and nipple for men. One third the distance between anterior axillary line and nipple for women: subscapular.