COUN 400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eating Disorder

44 views4 pages
15 Dec 2016

Document Summary

They stressed the importance of monitoring the sessions: johnston discussed the focus on fitness of counselors to give care objectively. Typically there is hesitation when pairing a recovered counselor with a patient with an eating disorder. They conducted a survey with therapists and patients, with healthcare professionals having reservations on allowing the pairing, but the patients had a positive response reporting advantages in therapy. Suggestions on said future guidelines were not mentioned, though it may not be a problem because it was not the focus of the article. A broader sample may be missing for the only participants in the study were females, Firstly, there was not a purpose section to describe the point of the study, however the end of the introduction included the focus on specific themes. There were a few limitations to this study that can be considered weaknesses, however these were admitted to within the discussion of the article.