PSYC 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Behavioral Neuroscience, Survey Sampling, Unconscious Mind

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9 May 2015

Document Summary

Psyc 001 -- exam i study guide. The exam will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. To do well on the exam, you will need to study all the material covered in class notes and study the information in the text that addresses the concepts listed below. *summary- early 20th century schools of thought were structuralism-wundt, functionalism-william james, and psychoanalysis- freud, behaviorism-, humanism: each tried to understand the inner working of the mind by examining conscious, aristotle, thomas hobbes. The mind is what the brain does- many modern believe they are. Developed a psychological theory, phrenology, held that: the nature-nurture issue, nature. To what degree are we shaped by innate/inherited tendencies: many characteristics have genetic component, intelligence, personality, nuture. 6. report the findings: different types of studies: Surveys: questionnaires and interviews that ask people about experiences, attitudes, or opinions. Procedures used to measure and evaluate personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, interests, abilities and values. Characteristics of a good test include: standardization.