PSYC 395 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mirror Neuron, Classical Conditioning, Observational Learning

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Habituation: decline in response to a stimulus once that stimulus has become familiar. Dishabituation: increase in responsiveness with change in something familiar. Observational learning: learning by watching others, no direct experience involved, modeling and imitation. Bondura"s bobo doll study: experimental group: Child taken to 2nd room with cool toys; experimenter prohibits play. Child taken to 3rd room with bobo doll: control group: Adult not playing violently: study findings. Children exposed to violent adult model more likely to lash out at the doll. Who are we most likely to learn from: similar, successful, admirable. Mirror neurons are neurons that fire when we make an action or when we observe someone else making that action. Mirror neurons may contribute to the ability to experience empathy. The impact of media violence on behavior: correlational studies clearly tell us that violent viewing is linked to violent behavior.