PSYC 104 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scapegoating, Fundamental Attribution Error, Muzafer Sherif

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The prosocial behaviors a person carries out without regard of their own safety. Mark snyder: behavioral confirmation- the process by which someone"s expectations about another person actually influence the second person to behave in ways that confirm the original hypothesis. You ask a question like in what situations do you wish you could be more out going? . Is the state of conflict someone experiences after making a decision, taking an action, or being exposed to information that is contrary to prior beliefs, feelings, or values: ex: you buy a car against a friend"s advice. You might be overly defensive about the car. You become defensive and you over state its value to make your self feel better about going against your friend"s advice. Dissonance may also lead you to think less of your friend: dissonance has a motivational force; it impels you to take action to reduce the unpleasant feeling.