HSES 289 : Review_Questions_for_First...doc

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Document Summary

Leadership is a behavioral process through which one-person influences the behaviors of others in the accomplishment of shared goals. Great man or great person leaders display inherited abilities or attributes. Great trait leaders possess one distinguishing characteristic, such as charisma. Situational leaders emerge in specific circumstances or under unique environmental conditions. Behavioral assumes that leadership capability is learned, so anyone can become a leader. Transactional directive leaders who take action based on the organizational goals, structure, and system. Transformational visionary leaders who set new high goals and create commitment through shared values. Servant leaders devoted to serving the needs of organizational members by listening and building a sense of community. Culture emphasizes the unspoken assumptions (values; beliefs; myths; traditions; norms) that underlie an organization, whereas climate focuses on the more accessible perceptions of the organization, especially how they arouse motivation and, thus, impact performance.