BIOL 240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bone Marrow, Endochondral Ossification, Medullary Cavity

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14 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Muscles develop before they differentiate & have quickening fetal movements. Gross anatomy of the long bone: femur, humerus. Kids: medullary cavity & spongy bone, most bones. Adults: found in flat bones, proximal epiphysis of humerus, femur. Red bone turns into fatty tissue: yellow bone marrow make rbc in emergency. Femur is part of the thigh (femur is not part of the leg) leg is the tibia and fibula. Yellow bone marrow is more common in adults. Development: most bone develop by endochondral ossification, mesenchyme then hyaline then bone. Intermemranous ossification found in the skull, clavicle, sesamoid bones and sutures. Canals: nerve & arteries pass through to provide nutrients to that bone. Medullary cavity: central cavity where rbc and ybc is stored. Periosteum: superficial layer, surrounds bone (fibrous and cellular layer) Endosteum: layer surrounds medullary cavity deeper than periosteum. Bones of cranium are different than facial bones, both make bones of the skull. Know which are paired/unpaired bones maxillary and vomer.