MATH 10041 Study Guide - Final Guide: Observational Study, Categorical Variable, Treatment And Control Groups

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Be able to define, apply, and discuss the following terms: Statistics what are the two principle concepts underlying the study of statistics: data, variation, variable, population. Sample: numerical variables (qualitative, categorical variables (quantitative) Know how to find and use rates (including percentages) and understand when and why they are more useful than counts for describing and comparing groups. Be able to define, apply, and discuss the following terms: two-way tables. Explain when it is possible to infer cause-and-effect relationship from a research study and when it is not. Explain how confounding variables prevent us from inferring causation and suggest confounding variables that are likely to occur in some situations. Distinguish between observational studies and controlled experiments. Know the gold standard for controlled experiments on p. 19 of your text. Be able to use these four criteria to evaluate a given study and suggest improvements.