MATH 10041 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Decibel, Convenience Sampling, Standard Deviation

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If you know all the ages at inauguration, you should not make inferences because you have the population, not a sample from the population: mary is interested in whether proposition p will be passed in the next election. She goes to the university library and takes a poll of 100 students. Since 54% favor p, mary believes it will pass. What is wrong with her approach: mary took a convenience sample. The students may not be representative of the voting population, so the proposition may not pass: a teacher at a community college sent out questionnaires to evaluate how well the administrators were doing their jobs. All teachers received questionnaires, but only 10% returned them. Most of the returned questionnaires contained negative comments about the administrators. Explain how an administrator could dismiss the negative findings of the report: there is nonresponse bias.