ITAL 15201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mia Madre, Cardinal-Nephew, Informatica

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What do you do for a living: tu, marisa, cosa fai, studio (or faccio) informatica (computer science, lei, singora cosa fa, sono casalinga. Mia madre e mio padre sono i miei genitori. I nonni, gli zii, i cugini e i nipoti sono i miei parenti. Possessives with family members: the definite article is not used with family members in the singular, except for loro, mio padre, tua madre, suo fratello, nostro figlio, vostra sorella. I loro zii: the definite article is used with pap /babbo (dad) and mamma (mom. Il mio babbo: la tua mamma, the definite article is also used with singular family members that are modified by an adjective or a suffix, la mia sorella maggiore (older. *an abbreviated way of referring to one"s parents or relatives is to use the definite article and the possessive only: come stanno i tuoi, bene, grazie.