CACM 11001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement, Game Theory, Zopa

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4 principles of negotiation ---1. separate people from the problem. Anchor value ---a good objective fact that the rest of the negotiation centers around. Game theory ---rational calculation of the best odds. Generating options ---consider intrests, throw out solutions that meet both parties needs, think outside of the box. hard negotiation ---more often used by compeaters, focusing more on solving the problem than the relationship. How do you find the interests ---ask questions about their needs, values and motivation. How to maintain relationships when negotiating ---put yourself on the same team- a solution to make everyone happy. Parable of the orange ---a story about 2 children fighting over the fruit, just to realize they needed separate things from it. Principal negotiation ---a style of negotiating, changes the game, by getting more information and focusing on interests instead of positions. Tit&tat negotiation ---you give something now, to get something else later.