PAX 1102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jus Ad Bellum, Just War Theory, Post Bellum

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Just war- war must be limited in its objectives and that strict rules must be followed both before going to war and after war has started (only congress has the right to to declare war) 3. Total war- serve in making weapons of mass destruction -- just war- hold weapons of military not civilians pacifism no war. You have to say i ___ am a ___. It"s the first step down a hard road. He thinks people are sick that want to spend 29 million on a weapons system. Its easier to make alcoholics and gamblers happy with an addiction than a person addicted to war. He says western civilization hit rock bottom in wwi: universal declaration of human rights pg 333-338. Key concepts from textbook (chapters 1 7) and lectures (modules 2 8): here is a list of the primary concepts from the textbook and lectures: levels of peace analysis (macro, meso, micro)