[CRJU 4430] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (38 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Victims of crimes (not victims of natural disasters, etc. ) are harmed by illegal acts. Secondary victims- indirectly harms (witnesses, first responders, families and friends to primary victim. So(cid:373)eti(cid:373)es the la(cid:449)(cid:859)s defi(cid:374)itio(cid:374) of a (cid:448)i(cid:272)ti(cid:373) does(cid:374)(cid:859)t fit (perso(cid:374)s legally defi(cid:374)ed as (cid:448)i(cid:272)ti(cid:373)s do(cid:374)(cid:859)t ide(cid:374)tify as (cid:448)i(cid:272)ti(cid:373)s, like u(cid:374)derage prostitutes. So(cid:373)e people identify as victims when they are not legally defined as a victim, or are defined as a victim of a lesser crime, like sexual assault/ sexual misconduct/ rape). Vi(cid:272)ti(cid:373) is a (cid:858)dirty(cid:859) (cid:449)ord that has a so(cid:272)ial stig(cid:373)a atta(cid:272)hed to it (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause it(cid:859)s asso(cid:272)iated (cid:449)ith being weak and helpless. Definition of victimology- the scientific study of the physical, emotional, and financial harm people suffer because of illegal activities. Note that this definition of victimology is different from many others, like forensic and. Police victimology (studies what they know about the victim to help them catch the killer).