[POSC 225] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 17 pages long Study Guide!

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1: american government & politics in a racially divided world. Direct democracy: people make decisions on their own and without political figures. Indirect democracy: lets figures make decisions for them. Constitutional democracy: all authority is based on the constitution. Law: everyone has to follow the law. Natural rights: rights that everyone is entitled to. Thomas hobbes: social contract (give up some rights to gain bigger rights) John locke: natural law (life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness) People are the ultimate authority but they should be kept at a distance. Advocates a distribution of power across branches of government. The rights of people must be protected. Liberals believe the government has a role to play in the lives of people and that is should be looked upon for solutions to problems. Conservatives believe that government should have a limited role and that it should solve. Political thinking and political culture: becoming a responsible citizen: