PHIL 101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Necessity And Sufficiency, Enthymeme, Thought Experiment

149 views15 pages
5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. It is the pursuit to try and make progress on big/huge questions. Put ideas you might have, forget what you know or believe. Russell philosophy and says you must be both the practical person and the philosopher. The study of words origins and how their meanings have changed over time. Subfields of philosophy attempt to answer questions about knowledge, morality, logic. It outstrips science in a lot of ways. Science can"t answer all of life"s questions. and. The philosopher cares about food for their mind, the practice cares about food for the body. Philosophy does not offer answers with in certainty. There will always be doubt, but you can land on the right answer. What"s great about philosophy is that there"s uncertainty . However slight may be the hope of discovering an answers, its part of the business of philosophy (bertrand russell)