COB 218 Study Guide - Final Guide: Public Water System, Sewage Treatment, Fungicide

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Title 7: race, color, national origin, religion, gender. Prove discrimination: member of protected class, applied for and qualified for the job, rejected by employer, filled position with a person not in protected class. Procedures under the ada: has a disability, was excluded from the job solely because of disability. Is otherwise qualified for the job in question. Title 7: applies to employers/ unions with 15+ employees/ members. Remedies: plaintiff can receive: reinstatement, back pay, retroactive promotions, damages (statute limits amount of damages based on employer size) Disparate treatment: (intentional) discrimination of members of protected classes. Disparate impact: (unintentional) employer practices have discriminatory effect. Equal pay act: requires equal pay for male and female employees at same business. Sexual harassment: e(cid:373)ployer is respo(cid:374)si(cid:271)le if they k(cid:374)ow a(cid:374)d do(cid:374)"t stop it; harasser is respo(cid:374)si(cid:271)le. Quid pro quo: request sexual act for a promotion. Hostile environment: ridicule, insult, and harassment in workplace. Retaliation claim: fire you (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause of (cid:862)(cid:271)lowi(cid:374)g the whistle(cid:863)