[ANTH 196] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (30 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Cultural anthropology: study of human cultures & society: urban anthropology: studies inner city, medical anthropology: studies culture & health. Archaeology: studies and interprets material remains recovered from earlier cultures in order to understand past human behaviors: past societies. Linguistic anthropology: studies the origin, variation, & relationships of language groups among human societies. Biological anthropology: human biology and behavior within an evolutionary context. Three major criteria of anthropology: evolutionary, comparative, holistic. Primate: a group of mammals comprising prosimians (e. g lemurs), monkeys, apes, and humans. Species: a group of similarly looking organisms capable of interbreeding. Evolutionary tree: diagram showing evolutionary lineage leading to modern humans. One living hominid (us) & man extinct hominids (neanderthals) Beliefs, teachings, and practices concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces (using faith to believe in genesis = valid) Systemic search for understanding using empirical observation and testing (using science to understand evolution = valid)