AS.020.306 Midterm: Exam 1 Solutions Spring 2016

21 views14 pages
14 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Instructions for examination: before you begin, print your jhed id on the tally page. Also, please print name clearly in the space provided on the front page and the tally page: there are a total of 13 pages including: 1 cover page, 11 question pages 2-12, 1 tally page 13. If there are any pages missing, obtain a new exam. No excuses will be accepted for missing pages: use only the space provided. Anything written on the back of the exam is not graded. Write legibly: exams not written in blue or black permanent ink or with white-out will not be regraded, this exam is closed note and closed book. Books, notes, phones, calculators, computers etc. , are to be placed out of sight before the beginning of the exam and are not to be referred to during the exam: do not leave your seat during the exam.