[PSY-B 320] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 116 pages long Study Guide!

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The (cid:271)rai(cid:374)"s pri(cid:373)ar(cid:455) fu(cid:374)(cid:272)tio(cid:374) is to produ(cid:272)e (cid:271)eha(cid:448)ior. Integrate information to create a sensory reality: receive information about the world, produce commands to control the movement of muscles. Many names for nervous-system structures include information about anatomical locations: with respect to other body parts of the animal, with respect to their relative locations, (cid:449)ith respe(cid:272)t to a (cid:448)ie(cid:449)er"s perspe(cid:272)ti(cid:448)e. Dorsal: top, our head, bogs back, think of dorsal fin on a dolphin. Anterior: front; our stomach, face; also called rostral. Coronal section: cut in a vertical plane, from the crown of the head down, yielding a frontal view of the brains internal structure. Horizontal section: cut falls along the horizon is usually viewed looking down on the brain from above. Sagittal section: a cut lengthways from front to back and viewed from the side: afferent information is sensory information coming into the cns (incoming information) (a-coming at, efferent information is information leaving the cns (outgoing information) (e-exiting)