Public And Environmental Affair SPEA-E 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Thief Takers, Hue And Cry

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Insanity: aka excuses i. ii, age iv, test, minimum age, 7 years, argue. In charge of enforcing the law and overseeing legal business: august vollmer, berkeley, ca chief of police that believed that policing should be seen as a profession and not a job. He argued that police officers needed more trained and formal educations. He argued that an educated officer was a better officer: what he did, worked with professors at the university of california, berkeley to develop college level criminal justice classes. Next thing --criminal justice programs flourished in college. It is also about who they use their discretion to keep from walking through gate & into the system. Jurisdictional levels of the law enforcement duties & responsibilities When & why established various federal law enforcement agencies & who oversees them: department of justice, legal division, civil rights, metropolitan / municipal i, to maintain order, county. Irs i: usps, united states postal service, department of homeland security.