PSY-B - Psychology PSY-B 340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Connectionism, Vocabulary, Episodic Memory

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Know the difference between episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory is information about events that have happened to us. While semantic memory is just general knowledge about the world. declarative memory. Participants see the material, later during the test phase they are instructed to complete a cognitive task that does not directly askfor either recall or recognition. explicit memory. Participants are instructed to remember some info, then recall test requires them to intentionally retrieve that previously learned info defining feature. Necessary to the meaning of the item schema. Generalized knowledge about a situation, an event, or a person. the priming effect. the typicality effect. When people judge typical items (prototypes) faster than items that are not typical the feature-comparison effect. Concepts are stored in memory according to a list of necessary features or characteristics. Defining features: necessary to the meaning of the item. Characteristic features: merely descriptive but not essential parallel distributed processing.