PSY-B - Psychology PSY-B 311 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Meta-Analysis, Statistical Significance, Psy

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Describes the characteristics of behaviors of a given population. Single group or sample studied at one single time. Successive independent: two or more samples of respondents answer the same question at different points in time. Longitudinal: single group of respondents questioned more than once over time. If (cid:449)e do(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e a pro(cid:271)a(cid:271)ility sa(cid:373)ple the (cid:272)hara(cid:272)teristi(cid:272)s of the sample may not reflect those of the population. Be able to distinguish probability from nonprobability samples. Know each type of sampling strategy that falls within these two broad categories. Simple: list of every individual in population and pull from there. Systematic: taking every so many individuals for the sample; ex interview every 8th person that cam to the er. Stratified: like simple but taken from a certain group; ex men & women, or race. Cluster: identifies clusters of individuals in a population. Quota: a convenience sample but specific percentages of different kinds of participants.