PSY-B 310- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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8. 22. 2017 notes (chapter 1: nature vs nurture, nature: biological force, genetics (inborn, nurture: sociocultural force, blank slates that are written on, environmental (mom/school, cultural (learned, taught, relationship, nature and nurture interact. Influence of environments change as you age (lifespan forces: holistic theories, baltes" life-span perspective: development from adaptation, growth/decline, learning, historical context. Life-course perspective: development from person interacting with society and time, emphasis of timing on life transitions. Teratogens would be more detrimental: amount of teratogen matters, few affects of teratogens for the zygotic period (1-2 week period that woman may not k(cid:374)o(cid:449) she(cid:859)s preg(cid:374)a(cid:374)t(cid:895, may not see damage at birth. Lack of sleep for babies and new parents: 1 month olds wake 2-3x/night, https://thatspsych. blogspot. com. If a(cid:271)se(cid:374)t or do(cid:374)"t go a(cid:449)a(cid:455) nervous system problems (should go away in 1 year: moro/startle response: babies when startled, will flail arms and clasp in (grab)