NURS-B - Nursing NURS-B 244 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Onychomycosis, Toe, Staphylococcal Infection

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They commonly appear on fingers, hands, elbows and knees: herpes simplex, represents a group of 8 deoxyribonucleic acid viruses. Skin lesions caused by abuse: ecchymosis, bruises, bites, intentional biting that can be seen through tooth imprints that may or may not break the skin aa. Burns: most common type: immersion burn, caused by immersion in scalding hot water, contact burn: placing an hot object on the skin. Pediculosis (lice: oarasites that invade the scalp, body, pubic hair regions, spread by close person-to-person contact cc. Alopecia areata: chronic inflammatory disease of the hair follicles resulting in hair loss on the scalp, caused by autoimmune disorders, metabolic disease, and stressful events dd. Hirsutism: hair loss, familiar tendency and can be associated with endocrine disorders, polycystic ovarian disease, menopause. Onychomycosis: a fungal infection of the nail plate caused by tinea uniguiums, occurs in 18% of the populatino ff.