Forensic and Investigative Science FIS 20500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Computer Forensics, Forensic Engineering, Type I And Type Ii Errors

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December 16, 2015 from 1:00 3:00 pm. Chapters 1-3, chapters 7-9, chapters 19-22 and digital forensics and forensic engineering. Section 1: introduction to forensic science, crime scene investigation, forensic science laboratories, evidence, and ethics and law and forensic science. Section 2: taphonomy, pathology, anthropology, odontology, and entomology. Section 3: fingerprints, questioned documents, impression evidence, firearms and toolmarks. Performing scientific analysis of evidence and offering expert testimony in court. A full service lab offers: photography, biology/dna, firearms & toolmarks, footwear & tire treads, questioned docs, fingerprint analysis, chemistry/illicit drugs, toxicology, & trace evidence (only for the da and state to use) First person @ the scene give medical assistance, detain potential suspects, Documents the movement of the evidence from collection to court room & records everyone that handled it. Most lab directors are sworn officers w/ no science background. Cops want to catch the offender; that"s not the labs concern.