[BIOL-K 103] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (20 pages long)

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What are some problems includes only sexual reproduction. A zygote formed by the fusion of egg and sperm. Species reproduce at different times of day, season, or year preventing cross fertilization. Species are in same geographical area but live and breed in different habitats in that area. Ex// frogs that breed in temporary ponds in woods and living near frogs that breed in permanent ponds along edge of woods. Many animal species exchange a distinct series of signals before mating (visual, chemical, oral) Structural differences in reproductive organs prevent mating. Molecular and chemical differences between species gametes prevents formation of a zygote. Ex// surface of egg has specific proteins that bind only complementary molecules on sperm cells of same species. Hybrid lives and f1 hybrids mate produces f2 hybrid generation. Unable to continue generations because of some defect. When reproductive isolation and divergence in gene pool ultimately. How does speciation occur in a normal, reproducing population? prevents mating.