PSYC 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Kindergarten, Menarche, Midlife Crisis

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3 Nov 2017

Document Summary

For example, its early nurturing experiences whoever is a care taker for a child creates trust or distrust in a child by treatment: explain the role of individual variation in development. Theories that divide child development into stages and each stag has different behaviors- Neonatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood each stage has age definition and behaviors. There are 3 levels to kohlberg"s theory preconventional, conventional, and post conventional and each level has 2 stages. Preconventional involves punishment/obedience, orientation: self-interest and instrumental/ relativist, orientation: quid pro quo. Conventional involves proper behavior for the social approval also proper behavior of the dutiful citizens, obey laws. Post conventional involves mutual benefit to all, obey society"s rules and defend right/ wrong, not just majority, all life is sacred: compare and contrast gilligan"s and kohlberg"s theories of moral development. Personality development is to make a healthy development you must choose the right one.