PSYC 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Psychosexual Development, Unconscious Mind, Iceberg

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They focus on the personality view of human behavior as a lively (dynamic) interaction between the conscious and unconscious mind, and they consider our related motives and conflicts: define psychoanalysis. To trace a path to a troubled past that is being repressed: describe freud"s view of personality, including the roles of the id, ego, and our moral compass. It forces the ego to consider not only the real but the ideal. It focuses on how one ought to behave in a perfect world. superego. Freud believe the human personality arises from a conflict between impulse and restraint. To understand these conflicts freud proposed 3 interacting systems; the id, the ego, and the superego. The id stores unconscious energy and our most basic human drives, to survive, to reproduce, and to be aggressive. The ego operates on the reality principle which is, satisfying the id"s needs in realistic ways. Icebergs hide most of their mass beneath the water.