PSY-P 335- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 151 pages long!)

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Psy-p 355 exam 1 review guide: quiz review, (cid:498)we know that the capacity of working memory is limited there is only so much information that we can attend to any at one point in time. We might speculate that they do so because they feel frustrated. But frustration is a mental state, not directly observable. Hence, even though the child may really be experiencing frustration, we cannot use it to explain his or her behavior. Weak form of behaviorism: in the notes, we discussed experiments by tolman in which rats first learned a maze. Tolman would then place a block in the maze in such a way that it blocked both the shortest and the second shortest route to the goal box, but not the third shortest route. That when rats learn a maze, they form a cognitive map of the maze: we discussed two important and lasting contributions that the behaviorists made to psychology.