PSY-P 315 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gm Family Ii Engine, Early B, Cardiovascular Disease

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Cognitive development in middle childhood (8-11 years old) A)differences between thinking in early childhood (2-7 years) and middle childhood (8- -processing speed: slow in early childhood & middle childhood; develops pretty fast and is efficient by middle school. Parenting: parenting & the development of aggression/ delinquency. +need to start disciplining at age 2; followed kids from age 2 until adults. Provides parenting: inconsistent (lax & then harsh, rejecting. Child conduct problems; 1) child academic problems joins bad delinquent (child acts like a brat; cant 2)peer rejection (wont do well) (deviant) behaviors control emotions/behavior) peer group. --child has not had a normal development since they were 2. Know the 4 types of parenting & their child outcomes: effects of marital conflict on children/ adolescents. How can couples reduce the effects of marital conflict on their children: authoritative: best results (best kids) (nice high control & warm. Demanding: use moderate control-not harsh (or screaming or spanking.